Saturday, October 15, 2011

bookish news...

So to catch up a little on what happened while I'm gone here are five news from the world of books:

1. Aprilynne Pike announced the title of the fourth book in her Wings series: Destined! And she also finished the first draft of the first book in her new series. To learn more about all that and even more go over and visit her blog Apparently!
Destined will be on sale in summer 2012 and don't confuse it with the new House of Night book by Kristin and PC Cast.

2. The Hush Hush Saga by Becca Fitzpatrick will have a fourth book! The series was planned as a trilogy but there has been a change of plans. To learn  more about the series go and visit her site or USA Today for an exclusive excerpt of chapter one of Silence, the third book in the series.

3. The release date of Hallowed by Cynthia Hand was moved. But don't be scared it was moved up not down. The new release date is January 17, 2012. Hallowed is the secquel to her debut novel Unearthly and is published by Harperteen.

4. Jenna Black, author of Sirensong and Dark Descendant, has signed a new book deal for a YA-dystopian Trilogy. The first book in this new series, tentatively titled Replica, is scheduled for 2013. To learn more about Jenna and her books go and visit her site.

5. Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr has finaly a director. Mary Harron is said to have signed the contract. Which brings Wicked Lovely a lot nearer to being made into a movie! Yay :) In other Melissa Marr news: I announced earlier this year that Melissa Marr was teaming up with one of my favorite authors Kelley Armstrong to write a new series, The Blackwell Pages. Now Melissa Marr announced that they soled the rights to this trilogy in several countries. To learn more about the project visit my earlier post and to learn more about Wicked Lovely visit Melissa Marrs official site.

More informations about the books and authors mentioned in this post are still to come :)
Until than I wish everyone a great weekend full with words

Friday, October 14, 2011

City of Bones review and other stuff

First of all my apology for not posting something in... oh wait almost two months passed by? Where did all that time go?
I`m not explaining why I stopped visiting my little baby girl, known to you as this blog because

1. The reason is personal
2. I don't think you are really interested in the details
3. (and most important) I don't have a good reason... and I'm a little bit ashamed :(

Sadly I can't promise you that things will change after today. You just have to wait a little longer until I re-organized my life and everything is heading back to normal. I can just say that I am really honored that so many of you are still visiting my lovely babe.

And now back to the important things: BOOKS

I'm sure you all know the amazing series The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare. If you don't know them learn more about them in this little post. 
So with all the buzz going on with one of the main characters and him winning the 1st Annual Summer Crushin' Tournament on The YA-Sisterhood,I had to check this Jace guy out and make sure he is really crush material. And oh boy, I can understand why he owned that tournament.
But before we dig deeper into psychology and how many crush worthy book boyfriends are really out there we will continue with a little review of the book.

City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments, #1)City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

City of Bones is no doubt a must-have for all fans of contemporary fantasy.

Set in modern day New York City, the book takes the reader and the main character Clary into the mesmerizing and really dark world of the shadow hunters.
Clary meets some of them in a club and is drawn to them immediately. Little does she know in which way she is linked to that circle of hunters fighting of evil creatures of the night.

As Clary digs deeper into her history the readers is lured into a wonderful world full with pretty elves, unicorns and dangerous demons, werewolves and vampires.
Though the author uses normal fantasy creatures she doesn't need to use any clichés to make them come to life within the pages.

The only negative thing about this book (besides that the mysterious Jace Clary meets on her adventures is not real) is the fact that the reader solves the mystery after a few chapters while protagonist Clary seems totally clueless throughout the entire book. I found myself more than once screaming at her: "Why don't you get it? It is right there, right before your eyes"

A thrilling story that makes you want more, good this is only the beginning of the series.

View all my reviews
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