Monday, March 18, 2013

The Hobbit movie and movie guide

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - Official Movie GuideThe Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - Official Movie Guide by Brian Sibley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is a must read for all the fans of the movie and the book. It shows detailed insight on what goes on behind the camera.
It is really interesting to see how much work and detail go into such a movie.
For me it was really inspiring to read about real people that were so fascinated and in love with their own work. Everyone on the set put so much effort into the movie trying to bring a story I more than love to life.

So as you can see I read the behind the scenes book for The Hobbit movie and since I loved that book (well both of them. The Hobbit and the Official guide) and the movie I thought "Why not write a post about it?" The thing with this is, I knew from the begining that this would be a really emotional post. This is personal, I'm going to share my feelings with you, beware ;)
Just imagine me sitting in the cinema beside my best-friends-little-brother, who kept telling me many things I never knew about middle-earth, and the movie starts. You can see a black screen with writing in the usual middle-earth font on it while the melody for the shire plays in the background. And I am already close to tears.
I hear the music and read the opening lines and I felt peace inside, all the stress from the last weeks fell of me, I felt like coming home.
As you may have already guessed watching The Hobbit was a really emotional thing for me. I loved the book and I loved the Lord of the Rings movies. But even more important was the fact that my father, who died four years ago, loved it, too. So while watching the movie I always thought to myself "He would have loved that, too". And he definitely would have.
The movie is beautiful beyond words. The landscapes, the atmosphere, the actors, the emotion, ... , everything from Bombur's lovely hair to the amazing score is just fantastic. And I am seriously running out of adjectives to describe that greatness.
Peter Jackson changed some things while adapting one of the most loved stories in the world to the big screen. And I know that a lot of people dislike that fact but I think it made the story even better (Don't get me wrong, the book was great without those changes, too.).
In the Lord of the Rings he gave Arwen a bigger role, to add a strong female character, which the original work lacked entirely. Now he made the whole movie darker, less a children story. He showed us what was happening in the rest of the world. And even most important: He turned all 13 dwarfs into real characters not just names and different colored coats. Tolkien did not have the space to do that in the books. So I am more than sure that those changes made the world of the Hobbit even more believable and rich (and they gave us 13 great characters :) )
The movie made me feel somehow connected to my father since it is something I know we would have both enjoyed. It touched something deep inside me, which I cannot say about a lot of modern movies.
The Hobbit is truly a masterspiece based on a wonderful story.

Seriously I am really obsessed with this story. I saw the movie twice, in two different languages, in 2D and in 3D. And after thinking about it for a long time I can only conclude: This is movie is a masterpiece! (and my big bro is stupid for not seeing it in the cinema)

So maybe I am a little bit biased, but the movie was truly epic! Go and watch it if you haven't already! I can surely not wait for the next one!
Love and Words

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