Friday, May 31, 2013

That TBR thingy...

So I thought while I am trying to sort my life out I give you a new TBR post! Welcome to that TBR thing!
I will answer three questions that the people over on the Penguin Teen Australia Blog answer every week, too. It is a nice way to keep you updated with my reading :)

1. What is new on your shelf?
My best friends brother was nice enough to lend me his copies of Anna Karenina and Hadji Murad by Leo Tolstoi. I cannot wait to read Anna Karenina! I wanted to watch the movie so badly when it came out and now I can finally watch it after reading this... giant book :D
I counted all the books on my shelves that I yet have to read and I ended up with a total of *cough* 83 books. So I guess I have to go on book buying bann again :(

My mom things I am buying to many books so do not tell her that I just got a new one: Les Miserables by Victor Hugo! I wanted to read that book since I watched the movie earlier this year, I just love the story and I cannot wait to find out more about these amazing characters. (Another big plus was the fact that it was only 10€ :) )
And I purchased a book for my friend's birthday next week: The Near Witch by Victoria Schwab.
See, there is this thing with me and my friend (it's not Rachelle though, she got a book for her birthday, too :D) if we find a book we would love to read but we cannot buy it in the moment (for many reasons) we talk the other into buying it so we can read it after them. "That book sounds awesome, you should buy it so I can read it!"
I always wanted to read a book by Victoria Schwab since I read a Sneak Peak of The Archived. The Near Witch sounds great and I am sure my friend will love it, I cannot wait to read it, too :) Another great plus is that gorgeous German Cover. Just look at that beauty! :D
And Victora Schwab is such a nice person! She is always so lovely on twitter ;)

Monday, May 27, 2013

Marie Lu lands new book deal!

I just heard that Marie Lu, author of the Legend trilogy which comes to a conclusion this November, signed a new book deal and I wanted to share the news with you!
Because the new series sounds amazing! Like, really really amazing!

Here is what had to say about it:

The new series, set in what Putnam described as a “Renaissance-like world,” is called The Young Elites. It follows three rival societies with supernatural powers battling for supremacy. The first book in the series is set for fall 2014.

Marie Lu herself said on her twitter that it would be more fantasy than history.
To get all the infos released visit this tiny little link.
So, who else is excited? I am freaking out! Fall 2014 cannot be here fast enough!
Love and Words

Friday, May 17, 2013

Book Challenge Day 16: Favourite Female Character

All right so for today I have to pick one female character... That's is hard. But so far the whole challenge consisted of pretty tough decisions...
First off all I would like to say some things about female characters in books. They do get a lot more hate than male characters. No matter what, someone always disliked the actions of female characters. They are too bossy, they are too ladylike, they fight too much, they fight not enough... Something is always wrong.
I think a lot of fictional heroines deserve a lot more love than they are actually getting...

But anyway, this wasn't about defending all but picking one...
You may remember that I once made a list called "My Favourite Heroines Of All Time", you can find that list here. Back then Arya Stark from the A Song Of Ice And Fire Series. But I am pretty sure she does not hold that throne any longer...
Which great character throw her down, though? Of course it was another ASOIAF character. I do not know what is going on with G.R.R Martin, but he writes great characters!

I just adore Ygritte. I love the way she speaks and acts, I love the way she is able to love and hate so purely. And "You know nothing, Jon Snow" was definitely the best thing that happened to this fandom.
And she made me cry. I do not want to spoiler... oh forget that!


I cried so hard when she died! And Jon just wanted to save her and she never got to see a castle *sobs*
They really should have stayed in that damn cave!
She was so brave and fought for what was right in her opinion, no matter what. She was a strong female character. I would have loved a POV chapter from her. Just to know how she was dealing with Jon's betrayal... And now I will curl up in my little cave an sob because of that terribly sad character death.
Yes, that is the reason I read G.R.R. Martin. He always makes me cry...

Make sure to check the Challenges Page in order to read all my answers!
Who is your favourite female character?
Love and Words

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Just a quick update: COVERFLIP!

I am really sorry for the radio silence in the last few days. I have been really busy with real life and did not have time to read a lot. I know that's crazy, right?
Well since I am currently catching up on beeing a responsable adult while  my mom's away, keeping the house clean and mown the lawn and all that boring stuff, I have to neglect this blog a little. But I am trying to get back to posting regulary once a day before the weekend hits. Thanks for sticking around :)

But now the important update: Have you heard about the Coverflip movement started by the amazing Maureen Johnson? I do not know if it already is a movement but I think we should call it one because it deserves to be one.
The idea behind Coverflip is pretty easy: The author Maureen Johnson thought that book covers are often gender based. Books for girls look like books for girls and books for boys look like books for boys. But most books are not simply girl- or boybooks. You can read whatever book you want no matter the stereotypes. So Maureen Johnson thought someone should do something about the gender biased covers. And she started Coverflip.
Long story short: Follow this link to find out more about, because I am really bad at explaining this.
And then do the Coverflip!

What have you been up to the past week? Have you ever read something though the cover did not look like something you would like to enjoy?

Love and Words

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Cover Revealed: Allegiant and What's

Just a quick update:

Two gorgeous YA covers have been revealed in the last few days.
The first one is Allegiant by Veronica Roth. It will be published in October and is the last book in a triology that started with Divergent.
I am not posting the official summary because of spoilers for those that haven't read the first two books yet. Here is the scoop on Divergent, for those that haven't heard about it before (Seriously are you living on the moon? This book is everywhere! If you live on the moon, can I come and visit?):

In Beatrice Prior's dystopian Chicago world, society is divided into five factions, each dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue--Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent). On an appointed day of every year, all sixteen-year-olds must select the faction to which they will devote the rest of their lives. For Beatrice, the decision is between staying with her family and being who she really is--she can't have both. So she makes a choice that surprises everyone, including herself.

During the highly competitive initiation that follows, Beatrice renames herself Tris and struggles alongside her fellow initiates to live out the choice they have made. Together they must undergo extreme physical tests of endurance and intense psychological simulations, some with devastating consequences. As initiation transforms them all, Tris must determine who her friends really are--and where, exactly, a romance with a sometimes fascinating, sometimes exasperating boy fits into the life she's chosen. But Tris also has a secret, one she's kept hidden from everyone because she's been warned it can mean death. And as she discovers unrest and growing conflict that threaten to unravel her seemingly perfect society, she also learns that her secret might help her save those she loves . . . or it might destroy her.

I am really looking forward to read Divergent this summer. It is already waiting on my shelf. So expect a review, soon :)

The second one is Once We Were. It is the sequel to What's Left Of Me and the second book in The Hybrid Chronicles. It will hit shelves on
Summary for What's Left Of Me:

I should not exist. But I do.
Eva and Addie started out the same way as everyone else—two souls woven together in one body, taking turns controlling their movements as they learned how to walk, how to sing, how to dance. But as they grew, so did the worried whispers. Why aren't they settling? Why isn't one of them fading? The doctors ran tests, the neighbors shied away, and their parents begged for more time. Finally Addie was pronounced healthy and Eva was declared gone. Except, she wasn't. . . .
For the past three years, Eva has clung to the remnants of her life. Only Addie knows she's still there, trapped inside their body. Then one day, they discover there may be a way for Eva to move again. The risks are unimaginable—hybrids are considered a threat to society, so if they are caught, Addie and Eva will be locked away with the others. And yet . . . for a chance to smile, to twirl, to speak, Eva will do anything.

I adored the cover for the first one but I think the second one is even better. And the story sounds really interesting, it is definitely on my TBR pile.
Both books will be published by HarperCollins
I really like how both books fit in with the covers of the other in their series. I just think that you need to see which books belong together.
What do you think of these two covers?
Love and Words

All covers and summaries taken from Goodreads

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Book Challenge Day 15: Jace vs. Aaron

Argh. I have to pick my Favourite Male Character for today. How am I supposed to pick ONE? There are sooo many swoon worthy men in YA it's unbelievable!

For a long time Jace Wayland from The Mortal Instruments was my favourite fictional male character. But Aaron from Pretty Dark Nothing is unbelievable great, too. I would tell you why he is so great, but I cannot, since that would mean telling you everything about the ending. And we do not want that, do we?
Let's just say he is great and you better go and read the book by Heather Reid like right now! 

What are you still doing here? Go and read it!

I loved Jace because he was so funny and smart. He had that kind of a Bad boy attitude and was a really tortured soul. I love tortured bad boys. I have a thing for them :)
But I am slowly (like really really slowly) growing up  and I know realized that being a tortured bad boy is great when you are 16, but not that great when you are getting older and want to settle down. 
So Aaron is not an average bad boy. But he is really tortured... That poor guy!

And there is a similarity between those two, I am not telling you what, though! We do not want spoilers...
Who is your favourite male character?
Love and Words

Cover Love: Masque Of The Red Death

So I recently started reading Masque Of The Red Death by Bethany Griffin. I am really enjoying it so far and no matter how  hard I try I cannot find something bad. Which made me stop trying to find something.
I looked at the book the other day how it was sitting there on my nightstand and I knew: It is time for another Cover Love post.
The thing is, I really think the English cover is beautiful. But I bought the book in my local bookstore which means I have the German copy. And I just love the German Cover! It is so gorgeous!

The German title is Die Stadt des roten Todes - Das Mädchen mit der Maske, which translates to City of the red death - The girl with the masque.
I really love the font and the tattoo of the girl, the colours look beautiful together and the whole atmosphere is intriguing. I love the ruins of the city in the back. The cover captures the story.
The only thing I dislike: There are too many models on YA covers. What happened to the good old fonts? And the cover makes the book look like a romance story. Which it might be. I haven't read much so I do not know anything about the romance going on between the pages...

Let's compare it to the original American Cover:
The model stayed. The colours stayed, which is a great thing since does colours look amazing together! I just don't get why it looks like she is standing in a swamp... Well maybe I get to that part of the story when I keep on reading :)

Which cover do you prefer?
Love and Words

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Book Challenge Day 13: Hobbit, Thief Lord and Blood Promise

Today's prompt for the 30 Day Book Challenge:

Favourite Book Of Your Favourite Author

I already told you that I can not decide who my favourite author is in the last post. So I am telling you my three favourite books  by my three favourite authors!

1. The first one was Richelle Mead and I already told you that Blood Promise is my favourite book by her. I really think I should read her other series, too, so my answers will get a little variety :)
I loved Blood Promise because of all the great character interactions. Some of the best scenes of the whole series go down in this book. And let me not get started on all the tragic...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

TBR News...

So here is our weekly TBR update, a little earlier than normaly. I will answer three questions that the people over on the Penguin Teen Australia Blog answer every week, too.

1. What is new on your shelf?

I went book shopping with my best friend yesterday (yes, I did it again :D) and I bought Masque Of The Red Death by Bethany Griffin, I Heard That Song Before by Mary Higgins Clark, and How Nature Has Changed History by Erik Durschmied. I am really looking forward to reading all of these three. I already started with Masque and I am enjoying it so far. So expect a review soon :)

2. What have you just finished on your shelf?

The last book I finished was Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier. I really loved it. I watched the movie which was fabulous. You can find a review for both here on the blog just follow the tags.

3. What is the most anticipated book you want to read next?

Definitely, hands down, Sapphire Blue by Kerstin Gier. I really need to find out what happens next but I unfortunately already spend all my money on books for this month :D

How would you answer the questions this week?
Love and Words

Book Challenge Day 13: Favourite Writer

Your Favourite Writer

I seriously do not have a favourite writer... I mean I love so many writers that it is more than hard to pick just one! So I tried to nail it down to three:
I really love Richelle Mead. Her writing style is great and the worlds she creates are wonderful. Unfortunately I never had the chance to read anything other than her Vampire Academy series.
J.R.R. Tolkien would be another author on my all time favourite list. I am sure that you cannot love High Fantasy without at least trying to read Tolkien.
Finding a third one is really hard because I have so many authors on my mind that I love and that would be a great addition to this list.
But I go with Cornelia Funke because I love reading her stories since I was around the age of 10. Her Inkheart trilogy showed me how mighty words can be and I am more than sure that she and her books are one of the reasons I want to be a writer myself.

How would you answer this prompt?
You can find the full 30 Day Book Challenge on the Challenge site of this blog :)

Love and Words

Monday, May 6, 2013

Book to Movie: Ruby Red

So I promised I would tell you what I thought about the Ruby Red movie.
First of all I have to say two things:

1. I really really hope that this movie will be translated into English. It is really a good movie and the actors and production company would deserve it. And the fans would deserve it, too!

2. I started to watch this movie with really low expectations. I can name at least three bad movies based on books and only one or two good ones. But I was really excited to see it anyway.

Most of the actors did not look like I imagined the characters. Not at all. But I do not care about such things since I always think that the actors need to be able to act and not look good or as I expected the characters to look. And I have to say the amazing actors are the main reason why this movie was so good.
The whole atmosphere was sometimes to girly for me or they tried to hard to be scary with lightning and criptic movies (I mean what was up with that strange ritual at the begining?). But the actors embodies the characters so good that I did not care about some really strange scenery things. 
At first I really disliked Jannis Niewöhner as Gideon since he was so different from my imagination. After seeing the whole movie I now have to say that he played a great Gideon, he got the sarcastic and cold side as perfect as the caring moments.
They casted two of my favourite German actors, Josephine Preuß as Lucy Montrose and Kostja Ullmann as James the ghost, which made the whole movie even better for me. And aunt Maddy was, hands down, a perfect casting choice as well as Charlotte.
I think it was a little sad that they cut Caroline completely. I did not see the sense behind that.

I really liked the fact that they changed the begining and Gwen's second and third jump through time. She actually meets someone familiar which gave the whole thing more flair.
It was a little strange that she knew exactly nothing about the time traveling gen in the begining. It made the first part of the movie seem really rushed and her actions and motivations were not completely clear for me.

Aunt Maddy's vision and Gideon's first appereance were in my opinion over done and made the whole movie look like a movie for little girls that tried to hard at being spooky/romantic.
The only thing that I really really disliked was the fact that they did not stick to the cronologic plotline of the book and that they added so much from the second book into it.

Over all the negative parts were definitely smaller than the positiv ones and the actors were just great. Their perfect performance made me really like this movie.
So I do recommend it! This movie gets a solid 3.5 out of 5 stars. It is definitely a great based on a book movie.
Love and Words

"Review" of Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier

Ruby Red (Ruby Red Trilogy, #1)Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

SPOILERS! Seriously if you have not read the book do not read this review!
I would really love to write a spoiler free review of this book, but I cannot do it because that would mean I am not allowed to talk about all these awesome things that happened. And it is one of these hard to write reviews where all I want to say is: It is awesome, go and read it!
And before I start to completely fangirl over this book and the fact that I can now see the movie (yay!) let's get some facts straight:

The writing style was good but I sometimes felt it was a little too casual. That on the other hand made sense since it was told from the point of view of a teenager. And maybe it put me off from time to time because I just outgrew this kind of thinking...
The idea and plot was really great. I loved the whole trust-no one-thing. Usually plots like this are really forseeable for me but I have to say that when it comes to this book I have no single clue who to trust. They all do not seem trustworthy enough for me.
I really adored the characters! Especially Lesley the lovely side kick :) She was so cute and tried to help as best as she could. My friends are amazing but I would not mind having her in our clique, too.

And now: May the fangirling begin! (This is where the descent review ends)

I just love the first kiss scene! Not the one at the end of the book where they are in the church. But the first one, when she jumps through time the second time and sees herself kissing Gideon. It was clear from the begining that these two would end up together. And I really hate it when a romance story is so obvious to the reader but the main characters just do not get it. Because of that little scene the awkward I-kind-of-no-who-you-will-end-up-with turned into actual knowing which, in my opinion, turned the whole thing around and I really liked that.

I have a very great theory about Gwen's heritage and the whole mystery about Lucy and Paul.
For me it is really clear that they are the true parents of Gwen. Lucy stayed with Gwen's mum until she gave birth to her and then ran away with Paul. We already know that those two are in love and that they want to stop the Circle from completing the ritual. It would definitely explain why Paul is so protective over Gwen, why she is the only girl in her line with black hair (Ned Stark's rule of hair colour based gen tests always works!), and why Lucy says she looks like him.
It makes perfect sence. And i just love Lucy and Paul together. The whole "Marrying on the Titanic"-thing was drop dead gorgeous.
I just love the book. Therefore I am more than desperate to get my hands on the next book and find out how their story continues. The ending had a really mean cliff hanger that was not really a cliff hanger.

The only thing that got me really confused was the fact that everyone was talking about Gwen having magic and she said she does not have magic though she is the only one that can see ghosts. Does that not count as magic? But if I am alowed to speculate about the next two books: I am sure it is a good thing no one knows this detail.

Fun Fact: When Gwen's mom tells her about the wardens for the first time she mentions Karl of Hessen-Kassel as one of it's former members. That may be not important for you and I am only bringing it up because I lIVE in Hessen-Kassel :D

And I just have to say: I am a little proud that this is a German book that got turned into a movie. You know I do not know many German authors that are succesful abored. Two would cross my mind right now: Kai Meyer and Cornelia Funke, maybe even Wolfgang Hohlbein. But the majority of these worldwide bestsellers you hear about in the blogosphere are Amercian or English. And do not get me wrong I think one of the great things about globalization (maybe the only great thing)is the fact that I am able to read all those amazing books. It is just nice to know that a few people are holding up the flag of my hometime, too :)

And now I am off to see the movie so I can give you guys a full book to movie review :)
Love and Words

View all my reviews

Book Challenge Day 12: The Twilight Series

And again it is time for another part of the 30 Day Book Challenge! Today the prompt was:
A Book You Loved But Don't Anymore
And for me this is definitely Twilight.
When I first read the book years ago I really loved it. My friends loved it and when we were talking about it a lot, an we talked almost every girl in our class into reading it, too (even some boys).
The second book was not so great but I loved the third and I definitely was really desperate to get my hands on the last one. Breaking Dawn was actually the first book I read in English outside of school. I wanted to find out how the story ended so badly that I purchased it online.
And it was a huge disappointment. I really disliked the ending and how a lot of things were handled in the book. This let to me and another friend to look back at the other books more critically and we found out that the writing style and the whole story was not as great as we thought it was on first glance.
I am still really thankful for the great time I had during the first read, but I am sure I will never pick them up again. I know how the story goes and I do not think this is a book I could finish twice.

And do not get me started about those terrible movies! I did not even watch the last two movies...
What's your opinion on Twilight?
Love and Words

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Vampire Academy Movie Casting

Well I already told you who is going to play the leads in the upcoming Vampire Academy movie (I am so excited, I can't breath :D) in this previous post. Here is a short round up:

That's Zoey Deutch as Rose Hathaway,  Danila Kozlovskiy as Dimitri Belikov, and Lucy Fry as Lissa Dragomir.

Last monday the news were released that Olga Kurylenko would be playing the headmistress of the school Mrs. Kirova.
My first thoughts were something in the line of this:

(I am Sam and the casting director is Dean :D)
(Gifs are not mine! If it's yours and you want credit mail me :) )

Then I thought a little more about it I realized that Olga Kurylenko is nothing like I imagined Kirova when I read the books. She was a headmistress of an academy, always cold and I kind of imagined her as an old lady. Like professor McG in the Harry Potter movies.
And hands down Olga Kurylenko is just gorgeous!
So I could be sitting here and cry about the fact that she looks so much different than I wanted her to look. But of course I am not doing that. You know why? Imagine they cast a actress that looks exactly like the Kirova of my imagination. I would be thrilled! And then I would maybe find out that she sucks at acting and gives a terrible performance.
I know that Olga Kurylenko is, at least in my opinion, a great actress and can pull of a fierce performance, as seen in Centurion. I am sure she has all an actress needs to play the headmistress of a school that trains teenagers to fight vampires.
If a character is supposed to have blonde hair and the actress has brown hair, or pink hair, I am fine with it as long as she plays the character in a good way.
I am sure the movie will be great! This will be fangirl-heaven!
Oh, please do not let them disappoint me :D

What are your thoughts on the casting?
Love and words

PS: I just love gifs :D

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Book Challenge Day 11: On "Hating" Books

In order to complete the challenge for today I need to write a post about A Book You Hated.
I skipped day 08 because it was about the in my opinion most overrated book. I skipped it because I do not like bashing books on the internet for various reasons. There is a small line between giving a critical nevative review of something, stating your opinion politely and bashing something.
It is very easy to cross this line especially on the internet. It is such a anonym place and you easily forget that real people are behind the usernames and websites. I thought about skipping this day, too, but I think stating my motivation on this once and for all would be a better way:
A book is an authors baby and even if you hated it you should always be polite. I already said that on my post about Day 08.
I just have a feeling that the more I get involved with the blogging community the more "constructive critism" turns into "bashing".
Let us just take tumblr as a example. I am part of that community since a few months. I think it is a great place to find other people who like the same things as you do and to share creative work and opinions.
But I get more and more the feeling that you cannot join a fandom without having to deal with hate.
It is normal and completely understandable if you hate the things I love. You can even tell me that you hate these things without making me angry. I may try to convince you how great those things are but I will never judge you based on your opinions. But I will judge you on the way you talk to other people on the internet.
I will never get why there are so many fights going on on tumblr. Every fandom has its own fight.
The Game of Thrones fandom fights about Sansa or the Lannisters.
The Spartacus fandom fights over Gaxa vs. Gannibyl.
The Les Mis fandom fights currently over Enjonine.
If you search the Harry Potter tag you will always find someone fighting over Dramione.
And the list goes on and on and on...

I for one example disliked Sybil while watching Spartacus, too. I disliked her because I thought she was blind for what made Gannicus really himself.  There I stated my opinion nicely and no one got hurt. Now I will continue my life and stop being obsessed over a fictional character.
Seriously sometimes I just want to scream "SHE IS FICTIONAL GET OVER IT!" at people through the internet. We can discuss Sybil in a normal way but at the end of the day I have to admitt that there are more important things for me than her. It is not like we are discussing politics or animal abuse. We are talking about fictional things.

And here comes the important part: The people you are talking to on the internet, the authors behind the books, and the authors of tumblr posts are not fictional. They are real. They are real persons with a life, a family, hobbies, and maybe even a dog. Words can hurt.
We have a saying here: "If you do not have something nice to say, say nothing at all"
Hate is a really strong word. I for an example hate it when people hurt animals, I hate it when my friends lie to me (which end-friends them automatically), and I really hate the fact that I was mad at my father over something stupid when I last talked to him before he died. That was something I can never take back and it will always cloud the memory I have of the last moments with the most important person of my life.
That is something you can hate, something important, something that matters and stays with me for the rest of  my life. It changed the way I treat other people.

But fictional characters? Books? A book I dislike turns into something I do not care about. I may be angry for spending money on it and I may tell my best friends "No don't buy it!". I will even give it a bad rating on Goodreads. But I will not spend my time writing a post about how much I disliked it.
Because I can spend my time with more important things. Things I like and love. A book, as hard as it sounds, is not worth the time you spent hating on it. It is not worth the energy you spent bashing it.
At the end of the day it is only a book.
(It is different with "evil" books people write to affect other people or if a book is discriminating a minority. These are valid points to hate it and if something like that happens we as a community need to state our discontent with such books. That counts as important but negative feedback and has nothing to do with bashing a book).

A book is only a book to you. But to the author who wrote it the book means a lot more. It represents a time of their life, they channeled their feelings to write it. They care for the characters and the story like someone cares for their children.
And then they go online, and let's face it we live in a world were a almost all authors are conecting with their fans online, and they read all those things people write about their books. Especially debut authors read a lot of reviews online. And hearing that something you love so much, something that is a part of your life, is bashed and called trash really hurts does authors.
Just imagine you walk down the street and you run into a woman with a newborn baby. And it is, in your opinion, a really ugly baby. Do you take the time and stop to tell the woman: "Wow, your child is the like the ugliest baby I have ever seen!" No you don't say that. (If you say that you are a really bad person! Shame on you!). That woman loves her baby after all!
Authors love their babys, too. And their babys are books.
If an author writes a book and publishes it he gives you a part of his soul. Remember that when you write a bad review.

Do you want an author you love and admire stop connecting with his/her fans because of people bashing her? Do you want an author you love feel bad about the things they love because of something an idiot wrote online? Do you want them to stop writing because they are hurt by what people say?
Then don't bash authors other people love!

So to answer the question for today's challenge: Yes there are books I dislike, there are even books I would rather spent the whole day working in a mine in District 12 than reading them again, but there are no books I hate. Simply because I do not waste my time on hating books.

And do not get me wrong. I love making fun about things I dislike, stupid movies, and terrible books. But there is a difference between making fun about something when you're alone with your friends and shouting it out loud on the internet. I created this blog to talk about the things I love with other people and to celebrate those things. I will not turn it into the opposite.

Love and Words

Friday, May 3, 2013

Time for a new TBR!

So I am trying to do that TBR thing every week now. I will answer three questions that the people over on the Penguin Teen Australia Blog answer every week, too.

1. What is new on your shelf?

Today I got Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier and I already started reading it. The begining is really good and there is a lot of buzz going on about it. I hope I am not disappointed. I picked up this book because a lot of people told me that it is great. The movie hit theatres here in Germany a few months ago and the trailer looked really interesting. So I am definitely going to watch it and give you a full review of the book and the movie.
I do not know if the movie will be available in English... If you are a fan of the book you may want to check out the trailer anyway, just to see your favourite characters come to life:

2. What have you just finished on your shelf?

The last book I finished was Demonic Dora by Claire Chilton. I did not like it that much, but it was pretty good. The full review is already on here somewhere... Just follow the tags :D

3. What is the most anticipated book you want to read next?

As you already know if you have read my previous post I spend my day desperately trying to find a copy of Erin Bowman's Taken. So this is definitely the book I am most anticipating this week. I want to read it now!
But I have so many other books to read first...
So I am off reading, you have a nice day!

How would you answer these questions?
Love and Words

My adventures in the bookstore...

So today I went bookshopping. (Yeah, I know I was on some kind of a book buying ban but I just love bookstores!) And know I am telling you a little story. I will call it The worst treasure hunter in history. I got carried away by the whole fairytale thing so just bear with me here :D

Our little heroine lived in a small village in the middle of nowhere. Well to be honest it was more like the middle of Germany (as in the exact geographical middle of Germany). She lived a happy life with her dog and lots of books. She loved to read books. And even more she loved to write about the books so other people could read them. 
One day she looked at her magic looking glass called the Internet and found out that a covenant of good witches, known as the publisher Piper, would publish the German translation of the book Taken by Erin Bowman. A book our little heroine wanted to read since she once heard about it months ago. 
The heroine could have told the looking glass that she wanted the book and it would show up magicaly on her doorstep. But she just loved the scent of bookstores so she decided she would go on a treasure hunt to find the book in the wild. 
But before she started her adventure our heroine told a little blue bird named Twitter that she was so excited about the German release. And Twitter brought back a message from the author Erin Bowman herself! Our little heroine was so joyful about that. Because everyone knows that authors are like superheroes and superstars combined, pure little bundles of awesomness.
And Erin Bowman said: Take a picture of it if you see it somewhere.
So the quest was clear. Our heroine had to find Taken, take a picture, and read the book imediatly.
As I sad before our heroine lived in a little village. There was no supermarket, not even a tiny one. And definitely not a bookstore. 
So she had to embark on a dangerous journey into the next big city. To go not alone she brought two of her friends with her. The lovely giant Martin, who was hands down twice as large as our heroine, and her lovely fairy Mary. And since our heroine is a sucker for fantasy stories she made a little war speech before they entered the big city. I can tell you that Martin and Mary were kind of annoyed...
She went into the first book store and searched for Taken while Martin got lost in the world of words and Mary was just kind of bored. She searched on the fantasy shelf, she searched on the shelf for YA and Teens, but no Taken could be found.  She asked the good fairy of the store and the fairy said: "No we do not have it in stock. But we could get it by tomorrow"
Our heroine was really sad. She could not make the dangerous journey again on the morrow. So she sent Mary to search for Martin and they continued on their quest. 
They had to survive some adventures in several fashion shops and a restaurant until they finaly found the entrance of another bookstore. "No we do not have it hear. But we can request it for you", the lovely bookstore fairy said when our heroine asked. So she had to leave without a picture or a book, again. All the while the other books in the store whispered of the great stories within them, trying to get our heroines attention. But she stayed strong and carried on. 
At the end of the day Martin was still a giant, Mary was really tired of runing around in bookstores and our heroine had searched five different stores without getting the book she wanted. 
So the treasure hunt failed, but this is still a happy ending. Because our heroine requested the book in the end from a little indiependent bookstore and she surely will get that picture and find out how the story of Taken ends...

...And yeah I admitt it, I bought another book, too. Do not judge me! Try walking through five bookstores without buying something and you will fail, too :)

Love and Words

Book Challenge Day 10: Faust I by Goethe

Today I am talking about my Favourite Classic Book.
This is, again a German one. And it is again a hard decision.
You know I love me some classic books. Dracula, Frankenstein, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Wuthering Heights, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Of Mice and Men, Don Karlos...
I love them all.
But if I have to pick a favourite one it would definitely be one by Schiller or Goethe since they were both great writers (and best friends).
I loved Faust I by Goethe. Here is a short summary for everyone who does not know the book (as always taken from Goodreads):

Goethe’s Faust reworks the late medieval myth of a brilliant scholar so disillusioned he resolves to make a contract with Mephistopheles. The devil will do all he asks on Earth and seeks to grant him a moment in life so glorious that he will wish it to last forever. But if Faust does bid the moment stay, he falls to Mephisto and must serve him after death. In this first part of Goethe’s great work, the embittered thinker and Mephistopheles enter into their agreement, and soon Faust is living a rejuvenated life and winning the love of the beautiful Gretchen. But in this compelling tragedy of arrogance, unfulfilled desire, and self-delusion, Faust heads inexorably toward an infernal destruction.

Faust is a strange character. I am halfway torn between really disliking him and loving him. Mephisto on the other side is really great. He pulls of some great quotes and is perfection in demon form.
The story itself is really interesting, showing a man that searches for the real meaning of life. What if one day you find out that everything you will ever accomplish will not be enough in the end? What if you want more than you can ever get?
And I just love the idea of the devil betting with god on human souls :D
What is your favourite classic story?

Love and Words
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