Saturday, January 21, 2012

Tournaments and prices

So I thought I'd get this out, before my free time fades away again...
We all remember the fabulous  First Annual YA Sisterhood Summer Crushin' Tournament that the lovely bloggers of the YA Sisterhood did last year. Of course the amazing Jace Wayland from the Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare won. I have to add: He had some tough competition!
And now the YA Sisterhood hosted another tournament: The Tournament of Heroines. Make a guess who the winner is? Clary Fray from the Mortal Instruments! I don't want to spoiler anything but that has to mean something :)
So my congratulations go to Cassandra Clare for creating such wonderful characters, which I adore myself, and to the YA Sisterhood for coming up with such a great idea.

Other news regarding this challenge: Rachel Hawkins the author of the Hex Hall series promised her readers two bonus chapters if her character Sophie would win the first round against Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter. And since Sophie won the first chapter is now online on Rachel Hawkins blog. To read it just click the link :)

To find out more about the YA Sisterhood and there tournaments visit their site.
Greetings to all of you. I hope we see each other soon

House of Night and other Cast' updates

Hello everyone
I know I'm really late with this, but I wish you all a wonderful new year :)
I've been off-line for a long time now and I still don't know when I'm coming back.
But since the pile on things I should update you about grows bigger and bigger, seems like the world's not off-line, I thought I might use a little bit of free time to get some things done here. So I thank todays tv-program for beeing really bad and making me turn the damn thing of. And I think YOU since you're still reading this, though I've been away so long.

So today we focus on the House of Night series by PC and Kristen Cast, since they're going to celebrate a new release in a few days. We all know that the House of Night series consist right now of 9 books starting with Marked. There is a comic series which takes place between the books and a Spin off series which describes the past of some of the characters.
This Spin off started in 2011 with the novella Dragon's Oath and continues now with Lenobia's Vow which will be released on January, 31.
So here is the official description taken from Goodreads. You can read the full description here.

[...]In a small southern town at the turn of the century, young Lenobia is developing into a beautiful young woman with ideas of her own. But when she is Marked as a fledgling vampyre, her world turns upside down, and she is drawn to the musical streets of New Orleans. There, she learns of the city’s dark underbelly, ruled by powerful black magic. As Lenobia experiences her first love – and loss – and discovers a passion for horses to sustain her, she must come face-to-face with Darkness itself. And she may not escape without scars. [...]

So am I excited about this book? Well I really like the series but I didn't have time to read the first novella, so I guess I have to wait until my to-read-pile gets a lot smaller before I can find out if this book is something for me. Anyway the cover is as gorgeous as the others were before. I didn't expect anything else from the Cast duo and I'm sure whether I like the book or not, it will be well written. What about you? Have you read any of the series? Would you recommend it to others?

In other news PC Cast announced on her website lately that she is working on a romance novella right now. The book will be published in a duology with Gena Showalter the author of books like the Lords of the Underworld. And Kristin Cast celebrated her wedding and I wish her all the best :)
For more information on PC Cast and her books go and visit her official site. 
Have a nice week full with words
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