Sunday, March 1, 2020

Returning with Hubris (March TBR)

Dear Reader,
yes, I am starting with such a sappy line. And yes, you are correct, I am returning to this blog. For now. Let us see how long it lasts this time, shall we?
The decision to dust of my book blog was rather quick and not very well thought-through. Like most of my decisions. You will see more of that if you decide to hang around. I thought about deleting my previous posts (these awful articles and reviews I wrote 10 years ago? I do not want to look at them, tbh), but I decided to keep them. I decided to allow them to stay, in their unfinished and badly written truth. As a memory to humble beginnings? To mistakes that were made? Or simply because I am too lazy to work through all that? We will never know.

I am looking out of my window right now, watching the last of the cold winter winds brush over the new green and the first buds of spring. What better time than to decide what I wish to keep this year? What I want to change and where I want to put my energy to work? One thing I do want to keep is books. My love for them, the joy I have in reading and recommending and talking about the words close to my heart. I want to keep that, as much as I want to keep writing for myself.

But there are things that need to change here, too. First of all, this blog will now be more closely linked to my Instagram profile, where you can follow me for bookish pictures (what else?) and therefore the old name needs to go. I wasn't that attached to it anyway ;) It is with pride that I now welcome you to Bearish Books! (yep, that's the best thing I could come up with. Please do not judge me.) I will attempt to write at least short reviews for every book I am reading this year, so you can hopefully expect some of that in the future.

Now to the things that will stay: The Reading Challenges and the terribly high stacks of TBR books that will one-day collapse and kill me in my sleep. I am really looking forward to that.

That being said, to fulfill this year's Reading Challenge and to maybe even make that TBR pile smaller I have set out to write down my TBR for the Month of March. I am not quite sure I will manage to read this many books in four weeks and still function as a proper adult, but as always I am willing to try. And you are here to watch me either succeed or - as usual - realise that there was just way too much hubris on my part. Again.
There will be a read-athon this month, hosted by OWLCRATE. Each one of their read-athons has the goal of allowing people to read their unread owlcrate books and participating in these read-athons over on Instagram has always been super fun. I managed to read four books in two weeks the last time I fully participated so that's my goal for this year's read-athon, too. Sadly, as I am writing this, neither the date nor the challenges have been posted. So I set my TBR based on previous challenges, hoping I will be able to tweak it should the need arise.
Adrienne Young, author of Sky in the Deep, The Girl The Sea Gave Back, and upcoming Fable is hosting a behind the book read-along over on Instagram that I am also participating in. (You should definitely check that one out, if you haven't heard of it). For this I am reading my German Copy of her book Sky.
I also still need to finish my read for last month's book club, because I got my copy very late and was super lazy.

This leaves me with a total of six books for the Month of March... Yay.

I am a Virgo though, so I planned the thing through and because I already started two of these books I "only" need to read 1976 pages in four weeks, aka 64 pages a day. Which does seem doable? Cue nervous laughter here.

38325332. sy475 Writing-wise I intend to finish my series bible for Projekt A and work through Draft Zero so I can finally start my Rewrite come April and Camp Nanowrimo. The LBM, a book fair over here, will take place this month and all though that will probably throw me behind on all of my goals I am already so super excited because I need to see books, amazing people, more books, authors, my wonderful critique partner, and you guessed it, more books.

1. All the Stars and Teeth by Adalyn Grace
"Set in a kingdom where danger lurks beneath the sea, mermaids seek vengeance with song, and magic is a choice, Adalyn Grace’s All the Stars and Teeth is a thrilling fantasy for fans of Stephanie Garber’s Caraval and Sarah J. Maas’s Throne of Glass series." (Quote and picture taken from Goodreads)
I started reading this book a few days ago and it features an amazing High Fantasy World and a very interesting cast of characters. I had my problems delving into it, but now that I am around a hundred pages in I am really enjoying it and hoping to finish within the week.

 2. Ace of Shades by Amanda Foody 

This is the first book I am intending to read for this month's Owlcrateathon. It is the unread owlcrate book that has sit on my shelf the longest and is also the longest book on this month's TBR. I honestly know zero about this book, except for the fact that it has a sequel. And I do not intend to spoil myself in any way. But if you are interested, check out the link that will take you directly to the Goodreads page. 

3. Mirage by Somaiya Daud
"In a star system dominated by the brutal Vathek empire, eighteen-year-old Amani is a dreamer. She dreams of what life was like before the occupation; she dreams of writing poetry like the old-world poems she adores; she dreams of receiving a sign from Dihya that one day, she, too, will have adventure, and travel beyond her isolated moon." (Quote and picture taken from Goodreads) 
This sounds so amazing? I love space ( I am getting a space tattoo later this month, so how fitting?) and I have been wanting to read this one for ages. Let's hope I can finish it during the read-athon. It's one of the shorter books on my owlcrate TBR and an Own Voices Story, which is why I picked it for this month.

4. From Twinkle, with Love by Sandhya Menon
This is one of the books I would not have picked up, were it not for my owlcrate subscription. I usually do not read much contemporary YA, or contemporary Romance. It's a genre I do not visit often, but find myself enjoying whenever I do. So it's the right decision to broaden my horizon in that direction and the contemporary books that came with previous boxes were always amazing. I trust the team behind the box with picking just the right book for me to once again delve into such unknown territory.

5. Winterwood by Shea Earnshaw
I love Shea Earnshaw? Her book The Wicked Deep was one of my favourite reads the year it came out and I was so excited for her new book, Winterwood, that I went and preordered it - afraid I would not get a special first edition copy. Too bad it arrived only a few days later in that month's Owlcrate. Winterwood is the only book I have in more than one edition of the same language and I love both of them so much. They are just beautiful. I will save this book for last, hoping I can breeze through the other ones if the one I want to read the most is waiting on the other side.

6. Das Herz der Kämpferin by Adrienne Young 
My German Edition of Sky. I loved Sky in the Deep so much that I bought an German edition to share it with my Mom and friends. It is a wonderful and fierce Viking Story filled with characters that have grown very dear to my heart. While the author shares amazing insight on her process during her behind the book read-along on Instagram I am really enjoying reading it in a different language.

And that's my enormous TBR for this month. I better get to reading! 
Here is to a - hopefully - creative and productive month of Spring! 

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