Saturday, July 9, 2011

Re-reading Fingerprints 1

Gifted Touch (Fingerprints, #1)Gifted Touch by Melinda Metz

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

One day Rae starts to hear things. Words and thoughts, but not her thoughts or her words. Whenever she touches something she hears the thought of someone else.

It gets too much and Rae breaks down in the cafeteria of her school. In front of all her friends and classmates.

While Rae's world crumbles down, she fears to end up like her mother. Insane, locked up. But with the help of true friends she discovers, that she is not cursed, but gifted and that she has not only to face the same problems like her mother, but also the same enemies...

A wonderful and really interesting book with a completely new twist.
The author Melinda Metz is able to explain and picture the feelings of a young girl, the normal fears and the paranormal fears, in a way that keeps the reader empathized with the Protagonist through the whole book.
There was not one single part I could criticize.

Wonderful characters in a good story and more twists and turns than you can wish for in a book that looks on the first gaze as foreseeable as this one.

View all my reviews

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